Computer Graphics
The Navisworks Graphics Pipeline
Last time we looked at the evolution of the graphics pipeline over the last 30 years or so. Given that framework, what does the Navisworks graphics pipeline look like?
Six Months In
It’s been six months since I started the blog. High time to have another look at the analytics. You might want to keep the previous analytics review handy so you can compare and contrast.
Computer Graphics
A Trip Down The Graphics Pipeline
It seems like a long time since I described the general areas for my initial projects. I’ve talked a lot about my cloud based, open source, serverless, customer deployed, scalable spreadsheet project. Today I’m going to switch gears and make a start on Interactive Viewing for Large Geometric Models.
Organizational Anti-Patterns
Organizational Anti-Patterns #6: The 800lb Gorilla
What do you give an 800-pound gorilla? Whatever it wants.
Cloud Architecture
Brainstorming and Benchmarking
Last time I took you on a tour of the world’s most boring spreadsheet. I used a basic, if large, spreadsheet to identify some benchmarks that I can use to assess the viability of the crazy implementation ideas we’re going to brainstorm. The benchmarks are by no means exhaustive - think of them as the very low bar that any idea needs to get over to be worth considering further.
Implementing Pagination and Tagging with Jekyll
I previously gave you a guided tour of all the recent changes to the blog. I moved the full list of posts from the home page into a separate paginated Posts area and organized them into Topics. But how was it implemented?
Organizational Anti-Patterns
Organizational Anti-Patterns #5: The Future Platform
Let’s say you work for a large organization that, for whatever reason, has a lot of duplicate development. Pick any kind of project you can think of and, if you look hard enough, you’ll find five different teams working on their own version. Almost inevitably, a VP will decide that the solution to this recurring problem is to build The Future Platform.
Posts and Topics
I’ve had a fun few days messing around with the blog. The trigger was some feedback from a first time visitor. They found the long, seemingly endlessly scrolling, list of posts intimidating and hard to navigate. I’d always planned to add more structure to the blog but that’s hard to do without a reasonable amount of content to seed it with. Clearly, I now had enough posts to test out whatever navigation scheme I came up with.
The World's Most Boring Spreadsheet
What’s the best way to get started with a big new project? Something like building an open source, serverless, customer deployed, scalable spreadsheet from scratch?
Free or Not?
Last month I dived into AWS cost models and used that to decide whether AWS services are Serverless or Not. As I get closer to actually trying to implement my open source, serverless, customer deployed, scalable spreadsheet I’ve found myself wondering about the AWS free tier.