• Blog Mac

    Setting up my Mac for local blog development

    I intend to cover a variety of topics here. For example, deep thinking about industry trends and startup ideas, juicy gossip from my days at Autodesk or lab journal entries documenting my progress. Full disclosure - there’s no deep thinking or juicy gossip today.

  • Blog Autodesk

    What is The Candid Startup anyway?

    The Candid Startup started as a joke. I was always amused by the people that leave Autodesk for a Stealth Startup. There’s something a little arrogant in thinking that your idea is so ground breaking, so revolutionary, so original that you have to keep it secret. It doesn’t say much for your abilities that you worry that anyone else that hears your idea will be able to implement it better than you can.

  • Blog

    just setting up my blg

    With apologies to Jack Dorsey