Cloud Architecture
The Evolution of Multi-Tenant Architecture
I previously described the general areas for my initial projects. Today I want to dive a little deeper into the multi-tenant SaaS project. This is the project I’m most excited about and the one that will need the most explanation.
Organizational Anti-Patterns
Organizational Anti-Patterns #1: VP Moves
You work in a large organization. The kind that has VPs and SVPs and lots of C-level types. I’m going to use “VP” as short hand for all these leaders at the top of an organization. What do you want from the VPs? Ideally, they provide a consistent sense of direction with a clear strategy. They model the culture of the organization and provide a sense of belonging. They ensure that all the parts of the organization are aligned so that the overall organization is more than just the sum of its parts.
Cambridge University
You've left Autodesk ... now what?
OK, Tim. You’ve described the ethos behind The Candid Startup, you’ve explained why you left Autodesk. You think you’ll have more fun working on your own projects. So, what are those projects?
The Seven Reasons why I REALLY left Autodesk
When I announced my retirement I included this explanation :
Making sense of British keyboard layouts on the Mac
So, I have a MacBook. Never owned a Mac before. There are two reasons why I now have one. The reason I like to give is that it will make development for iOS and the cloud easier than a Windows machine. The real reason is that I had a lot of Autodesk applause points to spend before I retired.
What's with the weird profile picture?
When did profile pictures become a thing? I don’t remember needing a profile picture for anything before I joined Autodesk in 2007. Any collaboration software you used just needed a user name and password. Maybe your real name if it was particularly “user friendly”. On my first day in what was now an Autodesk office, the facilities manager came round with a cheap digital camera taking everyone’s picture. “Don’t worry”, they said, “it’s for your badge and your profile. You can change it later”.
Setting up my Mac for local blog development
I intend to cover a variety of topics here. For example, deep thinking about industry trends and startup ideas, juicy gossip from my days at Autodesk or lab journal entries documenting my progress. Full disclosure - there’s no deep thinking or juicy gossip today.
What is The Candid Startup anyway?
The Candid Startup started as a joke. I was always amused by the people that leave Autodesk for a “Stealth Startup”. There’s something a little arrogant in thinking that your idea is so ground breaking, so revolutionary, so original that you have to keep it secret. It doesn’t say much for your abilities that you worry that anyone else that hears your idea will be able to implement it better than you can.
just setting up my blg
With apologies to Jack Dorsey