Common props for VirtualList and VirtualGrid

interface VirtualBaseProps {
    className?: string;
    height: number;
    innerClassName?: string;
    itemData?: unknown;
    maxCssSize?: number;
    minNumPages?: number;
    useIsScrolling?: boolean;
    width: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


className?: string

The className applied to the outer container element. Use when styling the entire component.

height: number

Component height

innerClassName?: string

The className applied to the inner container element. Use for special cases when styling only the inner container and items.

itemData?: unknown

Passed as to each child item

maxCssSize?: number

Maximum size for CSS element beyond which layout breaks. You should never normally need to change this. The default value is compatible with all major browsers.

minNumPages?: number

The minimum number of virtual pages to use when inner container would otherwise be more than VirtualBaseProps.maxCssSize big. You should never normally need to change this.

useIsScrolling?: boolean

Determines whether the component should track whether it's being actively scrolled and pass to child items as VirtualBaseItemProps.isScrolling.

width: number

Component width