Marmalade is a fruit preserve made from the juice and peel of citrus fruits boiled with sugar and water. Despite originating in Portugal, and most commonly made from Spanish Seville oranges, marmalade is now seen as a peculiarly British obsession. And in Britain, January is the month to make marmalade.
Front End
Modern React With Hooks
I first came across the phrase “modern React with Hooks” when reading the React team’s blog post that introduced the new React documentation site. The documentation had been completely rewritten to focus on modern React, with any mention of class components relegated to a legacy API reference section.
Computer Graphics
Autodesk Viewer SVF File Format
SVF is the native format for the Autodesk Viewer. As well as the standalone web app, the viewer is embedded in other Autodesk web apps like Construction Cloud, desktop products with components that use web technology like Fusion, and available as an SDK for third parties to integrate into their web apps.
Legal Jeopardy
A few weeks ago I received a LinkedIn message from a former colleague at Autodesk. Nothing unusual about that. It’s always a pleasure to reconnect with old acquaintances and catch up with their news.
AWS re:Invent 2023
It’s that time of year again. Just like last year, I’m going to use the week after re:Invent to binge on recorded sessions at 1.5X speed, and share my thoughts with you.
React Virtual Scroll
React Virtual Scroll Grid 5 : What Next?
It turns out that implementing a grid control capable of scrolling over millions of rows and columns is much harder than I thought. The grid is virtualized, so the browser only has to deal with the cells visible in the viewport. Right now, there’s no data. The content of each cell is generated on the fly.
React Virtual Scroll
React Virtual Scroll Grid 4 : Big Grid
After a long trip down the rabbit hole, I have two working implementations of a React based virtual scrolling list. No flicker, no going blank while scrolling.
React Virtual Scroll
React Virtual Scroll Grid 3 : Binary Chop
We’re on a journey, trying to find out why our simple React virtual scrolling list flickers and goes blank while you’re dragging the scroll handle. Last time, we ended when we found react-window, a mature library of virtual scrolling components that didn’t have any rendering problems when scrolling.
React Virtual Scroll
React Virtual Scroll Grid 2 : Down the Rabbit Hole
Last time I left you with a cliff hanger. Why is my simple virtualized scrolling list going blank if you scroll it too fast? I had some theories. Time to apply the scientific method and see which ones stand up.
React Virtual Scroll
React Virtual Scroll Grid
Last time, I bootstrapped Vite and scaffolded a React+Typescript project from a template. The observant amongst you will have noticed that I called the project “react-virtual-scroll-grid”. It may have had React in it, but there was no sign of any virtual scrolling grid.